What: Creator of www.BustyGirlComics.com,
BustyGirl is a body positive web comic about the ups and downs of being a busty girl. Hailing from near Boston, Warren makes it a point to include women of all shapes, sizes, colors and creeds in her comic.
Britt: Where do you get your inspiration?
Paige: Smiles, points to chest.
Uproarious laughter ensues from both parties.
Britt: Care to explain more?
Paige: I needed to vent about my boobs. Particularly, after realizing that every time I saw a cool T-shirt with a great graphic on it, that no matter what the picture would get distorted. So I created a comic and it . . . took off.
Britt: What is your biggest challenge right now?
Paige: Keeping everything balanced right now. I was a freelance artist and student. It was tough to do both.
* We are interrupted by a TV crew wanting to interview Warren.
Britt: What artists do you look up to?
Paige: Jeff Sphinx, for understanding expression and then there is Kate Beaten, who is just knee jerk funny. Daily? Sinfest. Everyday.
Britt: Anything else?
Paige: I’m so happy that I was on your “Must-Meet” list. That’s awesome.
i like this series a lot